Quick, easy and convenient: Book Your Smear Test This January with 7-Day GP
If you live in Southport or Formby and have been invited for your cervical screening (or smear test)—or if you’ve missed one—you can now book directly with the 7-Day GP by calling 01704 395 755.
12/18/2024 4:13:48 PM -
Winter Newsletter 2024
We are dedicating this Newsletter in memory of our former friend and colleague, Paul Ashby.
He will be missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.
10/31/2024 3:00:46 PM
Drop in Flu Clinics
We are holding drop in Flu Clinics for our patients.
For patients aged 18 - 64 and eligible, and patients 'Over 65' Please drop in any weekday between 12 - 2 pm, where a...
10/25/2024 11:09:47 AM -
Stoptober starts today
This October, join the 2.5 million people who’ve been inspired by Stoptober.
Even if it’s your first time or you’ve tried before, Stoptober g...
10/1/2024 12:45:37 PM -
Pertussis vaccination
Pregnant women are eligible for their pertussis vaccination from 16 weeks of pregnancy.
10/1/2024 10:21:08 AM
Receiving vaccination between 20 and 32 weeks of pregnancy provides optimal protection.
Vaccination... -
Information on Menopause - Fast facts for patients
Information you need to have an informed
discussion with your healthcare professional and to help you choose
how you want to manage your menopause transitionFirst, th...
9/19/2024 3:54:55 PM -
Support your GP Practice
Did you know that Ainsdale Medical Centre specially procures flu vaccinations to ensure we have an adequate supply for eligible patients?Please support the practice by... 9/19/2024 9:37:47 AMJune to August statistics
We wanted to share statistical information for our practice over the last three months. This report includes data on the number of patients see, prescription requests, telephone calls and averag...
9/11/2024 10:56:52 AMFlu Clinics for 2 - 3 year olds, and Under 18's who are eligible
Dear Parents and Guardians of children aged between 2 and 3 years and those under 18 eligible for a nasal spray flu vaccine, we wanted to inform you that our practice will contact you soo... 9/5/2024 3:08:08 PM
Flu Clinics for patients aged 18 to 64
We understand that taking care of your health is important, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you to receive the care you need.
If you are between the ages of...
9/5/2024 2:52:51 PMFlu Clinics for patient aged 65 and over
We are delighted to invite you to our yearly flu clinics held at Ainsdale Methodist Church. PR8 3NQ
Wednesday, 9th, and 16th October - please see the poster for your... 9/5/2024 2:47:53 PM
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine - 28 weeks pregnant or more
RSV vaccination from September 2024
A vaccine to help protect against RSV will be available on the NHS from 1 September 2024.
8/20/2024 11:46:43 AM