Information on Menopause - Fast facts for patients

Information you need to have an informed
discussion with your healthcare professional and to help you choose
how you want to manage your menopause transition

First, the facts...

1 The menopause is your last menstrual period. It marks the end
of your reproductive years and the start of a new phase of life.

2 Many women experience symptoms as they near the
menopause – this time of life is known as the perimenopause or
menopause transition.

3 The average age at which women start the menopause
transition is 46 years. Periods usually stop by the age of 51.

4 The most common symptoms are heavy bleeding, hot flushes,
night sweats, emotional instability, vaginal dryness and bladder
problems. Symptoms can range from mild to debilitating.

5 Much can be done to help with symptoms during the
menopause transition, including lifestyle changes, hormone
replacement therapy (HRT) and treatments for individual

For women under 60 years of age who are in good health, the
benefits of HRT far outweigh any risks.

Click here for information on the Menopause - Fast facts for patients