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Zero Tolerance

⚠️ Zero Tolerance Policy ⚠️


Unfortunately, we have noticed, yet again, an increase in verbal abuse to our reception staff.

Over the last month, all our non-clinical staff have received some form of verbal abuse from a patient.

All staff and patients are expected to behave in an acceptable and respectable manner.

The practice follows the NHS guidance concerning Zero Tolerance.

Staff should not be left upset or distressed after interacting with a patient.

We understand it can be frustrating if you can not get through to the surgery straight away.

Please be reassured that this is not because we have taken the phones off the hook but because we are answering the increasing number of enquiries from all our patients.

We also understand your frustrations when all appointments have been booked for the day.

Our doctors are working to full capacity and trying to see and speak to as many patients as possible.

Once their lists are full, we are then trying to help as many patients as possible by signposting to other areas such as GP 7-day Service, NHS 111 and the Pharmacies for minor ailments.

Please remember, our staff at Ainsdale Medical Centre are human too.


Thank you.