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Accessible Information

Ainsdale Medical Centre abides by the Accessible Information Standard by:

  1. Asking patients if they have any communication or information needs and how best to meet these;
  2. Recording such information clearly and accurately;
  3. Indicating any communication or information needs on the patient's records, including details of how their needs should be met;
  4. Where we have the patient's consent to do so, sharing such information with other professionals delivering NHS services or providing adult social care;
  5. Endeavouring to ensure that patients receive information in a way that is accessible and understandable, and are supported by communication.


There is a really helpful video produced by NHSE which explains more about the Accessible Information Standard. The video includes subtitles and British Sign Language interpreter. It is approx 5 minutes long.

Please inform the practice if you have any communication or information needs relating to a disability, impairment, language or sensory loss - the practice will always endeavour to accommodate your needs. There is a short form you can fill in to tell us about your communication needs. A carer, relative or friend can inform us of your needs for you if you wish.

You can see a brief over view of the standard in this NHS England publication . It is also available in an easy-read format