Assistance/Therapy Dogs Policy
Last Updated: Friday, 03 January 2025Assistance/Therapy dogs Policy
The Equality Act makes it unlawful for disabled people to be treated less favourably than people to whom the disabilities do not apply although it does recognise limited circumstances in which there may be ‘justification’ for treating a disabled person less favourably.
Under Section 29 of the Equality Act, the Practice is legally obliged to make all reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people have equal access to our services. Assistance Dogs are a vital and central element of support to many individuals with a disability.
This policy aims to:
- Minimise the restrictions of access to Assistance Dogs.
- Reduce the potential for distress to owners of and the Assistance Dogs themselves.
- Inform staff and other Patients on the requirements for Assistance Dogs.
- Minimise the time that Assistance Dogs and owners have to be separated.
Ainsdale Medical Centre is committed to providing services that are equally accessible and responsive to all sections of the community.
This policy is intended to facilitate the best interests for Assistance Dog users, the Assistance Dogs themselves and our staff.
All Practice Staff should have a clear understanding of the Assistance Dog Policy and be aware of the different types of support provided by Assistance Dogs and the support needs of patients when the patient or visitor has been separated from the Assistance Dog. It is important that staff recognise the Assistance Dog is a working dog and should try to minimise distractions.
1.1. Definition of Assistance Dog
An Assistance Dog is one which has been specifically trained to assist a person with a specific disability and which has been qualified by one of the organisations registered as a member of Assistance Dogs (UK):
- Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
- Hearing Dogs for Deaf People
- Dogs for the Disabled
- Canine Partners
- Support Dogs (not always officially registered)
- AKC Therapy Dogs
1.1.1. Types of Assistance Dogs:
- Guide Dogs assist people who are blind or are visually impaired. They usually wear a white working harness with yellow reflectors and tags on their collar.
- Hearing Dogs assist people who are deaf or are hearing impaired.
A Hearing Dog communicates by touching its owner then indicating the source of the sound. The dog will alert its owner to a variety of sounds including doorbell, smoke alarm, baby alarm, and alarm clock.
Practice Staff should be aware that Hearing Dogs may jump up onto their companion if telephones or alarms sound.
1.1.2. Typical standards of behaviour of Assistance Dogs
Assistance Dogs are highly trained certified animals and distinguishable from pets in the following ways:
- Wearing a special harness and collar tag.
- Are carefully taught how to be well behaved in public places.
- Will sit or lie quietly on the floor next to its owner.
- Are trained to go to the toilet on command.
Assistance Dogs are exempt from usual hygiene rules by the Institute of Environmental Health Officers and their owners are given a card to carry with them which explains this.
1.2. Hygiene and Cleanliness Guidance
When an Assistance Dog is / has been on the Practice Premises, particular attention will be given to hygiene and cleanliness.
1.2.1. Hand Hygiene
All staff must ensure good hand washing with soap and water or use of alcohol hand gel prior to and after any contact with an Assistance Dog. This will ensure the safety of all Patients and the Assistance Dog.
All Patients that come into contact with or handle an Assistance Dog will be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water.
All Assistance Dog owners should wash their hands with soap and water after handling their Assistance Dog and before coming into contact with patients.
1.2.2. General Cleanliness
All areas of the Practice where an Assistance Dog has been to be reported to the Practice Cleaning Staff who will ensure it is thoroughly cleaned with general purpose detergent.
Any equipment that has come into contact with the Assistance Dog should be cleaned with general purpose detergent or alcohol impregnated wipes where the use of general-purpose detergent is inappropriate.
If necessary, all animal body fluids should be treated as human waste. Personal Protective Equipment should be worn and all surfaces cleaned with 10,000 ppm HazTab solution.
1.3. General Guidance
Upon identifying that a Patient is the Owner of an Assistance Dog, the Practice will request proof of certification and training.
The Practice will place an alert of the patient record so measures below are followed if a face-to-face appointment is booked.
Face to face appointment:
Patient might be asked to remain outside until their appointment time, in case of any patients in waiting room with an allergy.
Patients are asked not to arrive early for their appointment and the Clinician will do their best to see them on time.
The Assistance Dog is to stay with the Patient at all times, even if they require tests or treatment. During consultations and examinations, actual physical contact with an Assistance Dog by Practice Clinical Staff will be avoided if possible.
When it is known that an Assistance Dog will be accompanying a Patient for a consultation, the Practice will make this known to the clinician by adding a comment to the appointment, and tasking the clinician to ensure they are comfortable with a dog in their consulting room.
Should the only available clinician have reasonable reason to decline treatment due to their own medical conditions or beliefs the Practice will make reasonable measures to provide an alternative appointment, this may be on another day.
Should an incident occur which involves an Assistance Dog, the Practice will create a ‘Significant Event’ record.
1.4. Assistance Dog Owner’s Responsibilities
It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Assistance Dog’s toileting and feeding requirements are met.
Members of staff are not responsible for the care of Assistance Dogs.
Practice Reception staff will advise the owner on arrival at the Practice that in the event an Assistance Dog fouls anywhere on Practice Premises, it is the owner’s responsibility to report this and to clean/remove this from the Practice.
The owner should ensure the dog is fit and well and care regimes follow guidance provided by Assistance Dogs UK.
The owner should follow the Practice infection control policy, including the use of hand gel provided for all Patients and visitors.
1.5. Other Pets
No other pets should be bought into the practice premises without prior agreement with the practice as this may pose an issue for other patients, staff or visitors. Agreement would need to be sought prior to each potential visit with notice to allow the surgery to contact staff and patients also due to be at the practice. If agreement has been sort and sanctioned by the practice the owner is responsible for their animal’s behaviour and should ensure that it is correctly controlled. Staff can request that the animal is removed at any point if it is causing distress, disruption or harm to a patient, staff member or visitor, which may mean that the patient/owner needs to be prepared that this may mean missing or cutting short their appointment.