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SMS Messaging using iPlato

We frequently use SMS text messages to communicate with patients. This can include information about upcoming clinics, updating your medical records, asking you to contact the surgery or a reminder about an appointment you have booked. These messages will show on your mobile phone as NHS-NoReply as the sender. 

Using the SMS text message system, you can cancel an appointment you have made at the surgery if you have received a reminder message about it. Simply text the word CANCEL to the number included in the reminder message.

Children and Young Adults

Parents of children under 11 will be able to add their mobile phone number against their child’s record to receive reminders and notifications, but this will be removed when the child reaches the age of 11. For confidentiality reasons, we cannot allow a parent to record their mobile phone number against a child aged between 11-16.

What do I need to do now?

We won’t be able to send you SMS reminders if we don’t have your current mobile number. You can add/update this via the Patient Access app or by calling into the surgery.

If you don’t want to receive SMS notifications, please contact the surgery and let us know and we will update your record accordingly.